Thursday, 27 February 2025

why speed test results are usually lower than advertised speed


  • Your internet speed is measured in raw bits per second (bps), but real-world data transfer includes additional information like headers, acknowledgments, and error checking.

  • TCP/IP, Ethernet, and other protocols add packet overhead, meaning some portion of the bandwidth is used for network management rather than your actual data.
  • This overhead typically accounts for 5-15% of the total bandwidth, which explains why you rarely see a full 1 Gbps in speed tests.

Speed test client and server

  • The speed test server’s capacity can impact results. Some servers may be congested or unable to fully utilize your bandwidth.
  • The distance between you and the test server affects latency, which can slightly reduce speeds.
  • The speed test client needs to have a good NIC (intel if possible) and good spec (RAM and CPU) because it needs to make many connections to test the connection. For example if you test with a 100mbps NIC that is the max speed you can see. You need a 1gig NIC or better to test a 1gig connection.

  • ISP and firewall/network management and contention

    • ISPs often use network shaping, congestion control, and peering agreements that affect speed.
    • During peak times, ISPs may limit speeds slightly to ensure fair distribution of bandwidth among users.
    • Your internal network/firewall may do the same
    • Its best to test out of hours with just your test laptop plugged into the internet connection to give the best results

    Thursday, 20 February 2025

    check a DNS TXT record


    nslookup -type=TXT

    dig TXT +short


    Resolve-DnsName -Type TXT

    Wednesday, 12 February 2025

    Meraki monitoring pages

    Organisation -> Alerts

    Network-wide > clients

    Network wide > Traffic

    Tuesday, 28 January 2025

    geoblock on palo alto

    The FW needs to see the IP before geoblock can be applied 

    under monitor > logs > GlobalProtect

    ( stage eq 'login' ) and ( status eq 'success' )


    Network > Gateways, click on the "Remote Users" link on the right

    There is also the option to create the NAT for the GP IP only for the geo locations allowed

    Have a general security rules with geoblock to/from any deny

    Have a security rule to allow access to the GP IP only from the approved countries

    Set the countries up in the GP config (portal / gateway)

    Config the geoblock on any 2FA you might be using for 2FA as well as another line of defence

    Enable the palo EDL blocks and dynamic threats etc, strict IPS

    Wednesday, 22 January 2025

    exclude IP's from nessus scan

    Say we want to exclude 101 and 102 we can create targets like so:,

    Nessus HSTS check and redirects HTTP 3xx codes

    curl -sSI

    Friday, 17 January 2025

    Palo alto and azure SAML auth


    Generate the the cert and make it active

    Delete the old cert

    Wait a few minutes for azure cloud to update 

    Download the xml

    delete old certs from palo

    Import the xml into palo this will create cert and SAML IDP profile

    Don't tick validate check box

    Select the new IDP profile in your azure auth profile