Monday, 30 July 2012

exporting messages from exchange 2007 to a pst file

Make sure you have an exchange admin account, grant it rights on the mailbox you want to export
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity MailBoxToExport -User MyAdminAccount -AccessRights FullAccess

Make sure you have enough disk space to extract the data to
Export-Mailbox -Identity MailBoxToExport -IncludeFolders '\Folder to Export'  -PSTFolderPath C:\Users\jack.oregan\extracted-pst\extracted.pst

Monday, 23 July 2012

get information on a mailbox in exchange 2007

start the exchange powershell console

Get-Mailbox mailboxname | Select-Object name,primarysmtpaddress, DisplayName,Database,@{n="Size(MB)";e = {$MBXstat = Get-MailboxStatistics $; $MBXstat.totalItemsize.value.toMB()}},@{n="Items"; e = {$MBXstat = Get-MailboxStatistics $ ; $MBXstat.itemcount}}

Monday, 16 July 2012

saving the config to tftp on a juniper firewall with screenos

save config to tftp [IP_OF_TFTP_SERVER] [FILENAME_OF_CONFIG]

save config to tftp my-firewall-cfg.rtf

Audio and video synchronisation on the fly in VLC media player

Ever download a video but the audio is out of sync with the video on screen ? If you use VLC player you can fix it on the fly with the shortcut keys below. Woohoo !

VLC Keyboard Shortcuts for Audio Synchronisation
Mac: F and G
Windows: J and K

Friday, 13 July 2012

issues installing .NET framwork updates

If you come across issues installing .net framework updates follow the instructions below
1)      Run the cleanup tool for framework 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5. (Can be downloaded from the following location )
2)      Once you get the cleanup successful message, reboot the server
3)      After rebooting the server log in to the server and go to c:\windows\System32 and search for mscoree.dll file. If you find it, rename it to mscoree.dll.old and proceed to step 4. if you don’t find it move to step 4.
4)      Download framework 3.5 SP1 in your local drive from the following location (this package will install 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1)

Enable verbose logging
A)     Go to Start->Run type %temp% and hit enter. Delete\move all the files.
B) Open registry editor and manoeuvre to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer". If you do not find the Installer key, create one. Within installer key, create the "string value" with name "Logging". Modify the value as "icewarmupv!" without quotes

C) Now run the downloaded framework 3.5 SP1 from the local drive.

Monday, 9 July 2012

how to extract emails from the message queue in exchange 2007

Start the exchange management console
Mark the message as suspended in the queue
Collect the message properties so you have the queue and message ID
Start the exchange management shell

Export-Message -Identity EXCHSRV\5000\10000 -Path "C:\export\exported-email.eml"

5000 is the queue ID
10000 is the message ID

Export the entire queue (I have not tested this)

Monday, 2 July 2012