Tuesday, 15 July 2014

built in command line diff on windows

fc file1 file1

for binary file
fc /b file1 file2

fc /? for more info

granting send on behalf of permissions in exchange management shell

Set full access permissions
Add-MailboxPermission mymailbox@server.com -User grantmerights@server.com -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All

Send on behalf of permission (give dlopez send of behalf of for rclark)
Set-Mailbox mymailbox@server.com -GrantSendOnBehalfTo grantmerights@server.com

check settings
Get-MailboxPermission -Identity mymailbox@server.com -User grantmerights@server.com
get-mailbox -Identity mymailbox@server.com | fl *grantsendonbehalfto

Sunday, 13 July 2014

some settings are managed by your system administrator

I wanted to manually do windows updates on a test server. However after removing the server from group policy and doing a gpupdate /force and a reboot the server still wouldn't let me do windows updates as local or domain admin. After trying a bunch of stuff I finally got it working with these settings.

Start -> Run -> gpedit.msc

Computer configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update
Configure Automatic updates
Choose enabled
Choose option 5 - Allow local admin to choose setting

User configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update
Remove access to use all Windows Update features
Choose Disabled

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

testing bandwidth


good for testing across WAN links etc

iperf -s

Client (run test for 30 seconds)
iperf -c x.x.x.x -R -t 30

Iperf3 is the latest version (set the bandwidth to get the full speed)
iperf3.exe -u -c x.x.x.x -b 1000M -t 30

-i creates more streams

-u can give better performance also

Window size can give better results too.
iperf3.exe -u -c x.x.x.x -b 1000M -t 60 -w 64MB -i 3