First steps
- Laptop / console cable, network cables, racking bolts and tools
- Have mgmt IP assigned for it. Will also needs IP's for inside/outside other interfaces etc.
- Unbox and put ears on
- Record serial numbers (there is a tab at the front interfaces)
- Mount in racks and boot up
- Plug into console port with usb to serial cable going to laptop
- Mgmt interface should be plugged into VLAN where it can reach the FMC.
username: admin
Password: Admin123
You'll want to change that
show user
You may want to add another user as a back up
configure user add myusername
- configure network ipv4 manual
- = MGMT IP of FT
- = GW IP
- ping system
Configure route (if needed)
configure network static-routes ipv4 add eth0
Add FTD to FMC
Login into to FMC web interface
Devices -> Device management -> add
Fill in IP of FTD and a key like "cisco"
Now go back to FTD cli
show managers (should be none set)
configure manager add [IP-ofFMC] cisco
Wait for it to complete
Now go back to FMC. Give some time for the new device to settle (i think auto policy deploy happens). You can now upgrade the FTD to the same software as your other FTDs.
Overview -> Dashboard -> Status
Once upgraded your FTD is ready to be configured and policy deployed. You will need to patch any interfaces like inside/outside to the correct devices/VLANs. You should make sure you have access to SSH into the mgmt interface for troubleshooting. Most management and config is done from the FMC web interfaces from here on.