pico ctf
hack the box
on the wire
ine - elearn cppt (watch videos no need to take cert)
oscp - PEN200 OSCP (cert to chase)
pico ctf
hack the box
on the wire
ine - elearn cppt (watch videos no need to take cert)
oscp - PEN200 OSCP (cert to chase)
policy-map type network-qos jumbo
class type network-qos class-default
mtu 9216
system qos
service-policy type network-qos jumbo
Didn't need a reboot maybe a blip in connectivity
This is down to how cisco/webex resolves DNS. Depending on config it can be looking for external DNS records which need to resolve.
We already had an internal AD domain added (customer.com) in the umbrella dashboard as part of the internal domains.
On a working cap we saw it look for
_collab-edge._tls.customer-ext.com which didn't resolve
Then it looked for
which did resolve to the customer ucm server IP's (this must have been resolve by internal DC/DNS)
On the "not working" capture
Wireshark showed a SRV record
_cisco-uds._tcp.customer-ext.com was attempting to get resolved by the client but getting a "No such name" back from a public DNS server. It tried to resolve on the internet.
We needed to go into the DC and edit DNS on the external domain customer-ext.com
We also added the customer-ext.com to the internal domains in the umbrella dashboard.
Find DNS queries that didn't return an answer
control plane acccess lists on the ASA
If you want to stop an IP address from trying to access anyconnect, asdm, trying to form a VPN thats what you need
OUTSIDE_IN access list does not block it as the services itself is on the Firewall and does not pass through the interface
Enable AD auditing on all the DC's
Search the event logs on their AD for event id 4771 in security section
Lockout tools may help
ManageEngine AD audit plus can help too (just parses event logs)
FTP passive mode not working
Some issues seen:
1 ftp inspect on ASA
2 sometimes the server transmits t he inside IP instead of public. Sometimes the FW's or the client are fixing this up but an old client might not and tries to connect to an inside IP.
Passive mode
client connects to server on random source port eg 55555 to destination port 21
connection goes back from server source port 21 to the destination port on client 55555
Active mode
they setup a data and a control connection on different ports
Had an issue where tftp transfer was good at the start then degraded.
The issue in this case was the exec-timeout was set to 5 minutes. I increased to 30 mins and all was good. Also worth looking at tftp block size
Inside the file was some hex with nothing in it. It seems the headers were getting messed up so the client got some data from the web server, didn't know what to do with it so downloaded it.
This was an issue with https inspection on the firewall. A hotfix install fixed the issue.
Check for any FW or IPS device in between client and server.
Check FW logs + web server logs (does traffic make it to inside server)
Check NAT -> inside IP
Is inside webserver up and working
Is inside web server getting the traffic
Took packet capture on outside could see the cert handshake trying over and over which indicates SSL issue.
Log into your palo alto firewall
On Device -> Support
In the Tech Support File section
Click generate Tech support file (takes a while)
Then download the tech support file
Log into support web site:
Will have to login with google authenticator
Login with your account.
Select the customer account in the top left drop down
On the left hand side go to tools -> Best Practice Assessment
Click on "Generate New BPA" in the top right
Select the downloaded tech support file
Select architecture classfications
Untrust = Internet etc
Customer did an update and all the old IKEv1 and old cipher VPNs were not working due to security settings and SW update. I didn't have time to figure out which ciphers worked so switched VPNs to IKEv2
Enable IKEv2 on outside interface
crypto ikev2 enable OUTSIDE
Group policy for VPN peer (IKEv2 selected, always on settings)
You may have other settings you need to config here
group-policy GroupPolicy_x.x.x.x internal
group-policy GroupPolicy_x.x.x.x attributes
vpn-idle-timeout none
vpn-session-timeout none
vpn-filter none
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev2
IKEv2 P1 policy
*NOTE* Saw an issue where a policy was selected even though the lifetimes didn't match (other settings did). The VPN came up but was having issues rekeying. Not coming back up on its own. Check the lifetimes match under "sh crypto isakmp sa" on both sides of the VPN. In my case the HQ already had an ikev2 pol with 86400 lifetime and other VPNs using that.
crypto ikev2 policy 1
encryption aes-256
integrity sha256
group 21
prf sha256
lifetime seconds 28800
crypto ikev2 policy 160
encryption aes-gcm-256
integrity null
group 21
prf sha256
lifetime seconds 28800
cbc vs gcm
aes-256-cbc (works with asa (aes-256) to palo fw aes-256-cbc)
cbc is older, weaker but can run faster on weaker hardware. Since we are running a tunnel within a tunnel on S2S VPN's it should be fine.
gcm is newer, adds authentication (you don't need to use SHA for hashing its all done in gcm) You will config integrity null, more secure, the best practice pick. However some older devices won't support gcm or won't have it as an option so you will have to use cbc in that case
IKEv2 P2 proposal
crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal IKEV2_AES_256_SHA_256
protocol esp encryption aes-256
protocol esp integrity sha-256
Crypto MAP
crypto map MYMAP 10 match address CUST_VPN
crypto map MYMAP 10 set peer x.x.x.x
crypto map MYMAP 10 set ikev2 ipsec-proposal IKEV2_AES_256_SHA_256
crypto map MYMAP 10 set security-association lifetime seconds 3600
Encryption domain
access-list CUST_VPN extended permit ip object-group LOCAL-NETS object-group REMOTE-NETS
object-group network LOCAL-NETS
object-group network REMOTE-NETS
nat (INSIDE,OUTSIDE) source static LOCAL-NETS LOCAL-NETS destination static REMOTE-NETS REMOTE-NETS no-proxy-arp route-lookup
Tunnel group
tunnel-group x.x.x.x type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group x.x.x.x general-attributes
default-group-policy GroupPolicy_x.x.x.x
tunnel-group x.x.x.x ipsec-attributes
ikev2 remote-authentication pre-shared-key StrongPassWordHere
ikev2 local-authentication pre-shared-key StrongPassWordHere
test authentication authentication-profile "AD Kerberos" username USERMAME password
.bat script to gather network information on windows, you can add or remove things as needed
Set > %userprofile%\downloads\_Set.txt
echo %logonserver% > %userprofile%\downloads\_logonserver.txt
whoami > %userprofile%\downloads\_whoami.txt
hostname > %userprofile%\downloads\.txt
ipconfig /all > %userprofile%\downloads\_ipconfig_all.txt
ipconfig /displaydns > %userprofile%\downloads\_displaydns_post.txt
route print > %userprofile%\downloads\_routeprint.txt
tracert -d > %userprofile%\downloads\_tracert_2_100.txt
ping > %userprofile%\downloads\_ping_2_100.txt
nslookup cust.url.com > %userprofile%\downloads\_nslookup.txt
Had an issue could ping vlan1 (LAN) SVI but not vlan146 (VOICE)
The setup was
LAN client -> L2 VL1 -> L3 SVL VL1 -> Inside ASA -> S2S VPN -> HQ
Phone client -> L2 VL146 -> L3SVI VL146 -> L3 SVI 1 -> Inside ASA-> S2S VPN -> HQ -> Phone server
I found some messed up NAT's
Removed the global
object network obj_any
nat (any,outside) dynamic interface
The NoNat had a missing object in the destination
nat (voice,outside) source static obj- obj- destination static HQ-NET HQ-NETS no-proxy-arp route-lookup
Also needed this NAT on the INSIDE with the 146 networks to ping the SVI. This is becuase the route to the HQ network is through the inside interface of the ASA.
nat (inside,outside) source static obj- obj- destination static HQ-NET HQ-NETS no-proxy-arp route-lookup
To tracks the DNS request back to a PC you can use cisco umbrella or watching the DNS debug logs on the DNS server. That will tell you the IP of the machine the DNS requests are coming from but you may want to know what process its coming from.
There are a few tools you can use
Microsoft Sysmon (sysinternals)
1 - Download sysmon
2 - Download swift security profile
3 - Install sysmon with the swift security profile
Sysmon.exe -accepteula -i .\sysmonconfig-export.xml
4 - Open event viewer and check the sysmon logs
Applications and services logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Sysmon
Right click -> find search for URL
You will see the process under image name.
Won't show you the process it came from but you should see when requests are happening
Useful capture filters
Show all dns traffic:
Show DNS requests to the URL and also any connections to its IP, URL = x1.c.lencr.org, nslooked up to
(ip.dst == or ((dns.qry.name == x1.c.lencr.org))
Look for all DNS requests coming from my PC
(dns.flags.response == 0) and (ip.src == and (dns.qry.name == x1.c.lencr.org)
Someuser report success using TCP view. Nslookup the URL -> IP then watch TCPview for connections to that IP. Usually a connection to the IP will happen straight after a DNS request
Uncheck TCPv6 etc if this is not your traffic. A good place to start is IPv4 only and then search for the IP, we should see a module/process
Copy files A -> B was fine
but B-> A was slow
Checked all the devices, VPN all looking good. It sended up being a simple duplex issue. The link from the switch to the firewall on side B was auto'd to half-100. I hard coded it to 1000 full and all was good.
Steps to follow
Check the full network path from side A<->B is speed/duplex correct on switchports.
RAM+CPU good on each device that is moving the data
Run speed test to make sure internet connetions are ok
Run some ping -t to watchout for packet loss
smokeping or pingplotter several places local, across vpn, internet (,, for packet loss + latency
Check if Server is VM and check vmware for datastore for any issues
Check for arp issues, is there arp poisoning or static arp entry somewhere, is the mac address hopping around for one of the source/destination IP
fsutil file createnew 1gb.test 1073741824
The key is to input the size of the file in bytes so here are some common file sizes to save you from math:
1 MB = 1048576 bytes
100 MB = 104857600 bytes
1 GB = 1073741824 bytes
10 GB = 10737418240 bytes
100 GB =107374182400 bytes
1 TB = 1099511627776 bytes
10 TB =10995116277760 bytes
I haven't had much luck with this, it doesn't seem to work as well as packet tracer. It's often returning that the traffic is blocked when in fact it is allowed.
Anyway you can give it a go, its down the bottom in the GUI "Test policy match"
test security-policy-match source destination destination-port 53 protocol 17
test security-policy-match source destination destination-port 443 protocol 6
I find switching from ASA to palo alto NAT confusing because they work in a different way and I've worked on ASA for so long.
nat rule (to nat traffic)
outside -> outside
Destination address is customer public IP:
Destination translations address is inside IP of the server:
policy rule (to allow traffic)
outside -> inside
Source IP is outside source public
inside destination IP is the public IP:
The main thing there is a public IP NAT is outside to outside on palo. On ASA its outside to inside for a public IP NAT.
show vpn-sessiondb l2l filter ipaddress x.x.x.x
Connection : x.x.x.x
Index : 69987 IP Addr : x.x.x.x
Protocol : IKEv1 IPsec
Encryption : IKEv1: (1)AES256 IPsec: (2)AES256
Hashing : IKEv1: (1)SHA1 IPsec: (2)SHA1
Bytes Tx : 6629603 Bytes Rx : 9801553
Login Time : 07:20:46 UTC Wed Jul 13 2022
Duration : 4h:12m:59s
Tunnel Zone : 0
olevba is a good linux tool to look at the macro code without opening the file in MS office tc.
Function TestPingAndRDP ($IP)
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Write-Host Checking ping
Write-Host ***********************************************************
ping $IP
Write-Host $IP, "PING", ([System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping]::new().Send($IP)).Status
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Write-Host Checking RDP
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $IP -CommonTCPport rdp
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Function PingOnly ($IPING)
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Write-Host Checking ping ONLY
Write-Host ***********************************************************
ping $IPING
Write-Host $IPING, "PING", ([System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping]::new().Send($IPING)).Status
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Function TestWeb ($IWEB)
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Write-Host Checking web port 80
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $IWEB -CommonTCPport http
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Write-Host Checking web port 443
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $IWEB -Port 443
Write-Host ***********************************************************
Function TestHTTPCode ($url)
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$date = Get-Date
Write-Host $url, "HTTP STATUS CODE" (Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url).StatusCode, $date
# Remove comment by removing the #, then the code will be run
#PingOnly www.google.com
#TestWeb www.google.com
#TestHTTPCode www.google.com
We can use the namp command
nmap -p 443 --script ssl-enum-ciphers
See if TLS1.0 / 1.1 is still enabled and looks for weak ciphers they will usually have a grade like C
These need to be disabled on the web server
Alternative test site can only test with URL for free:
Devices -> NAT
Edit NAT pol
Add rule button
NAT rule: Auto NAT rule
Type: Dynamic
Interface, set inside -> outside
Translated destination interface IP
Needed some objects with the usual domain controller ports. I'm sure not all are required for all deployments for example some installs might be using LDAP (389) others LDAPS (636) or vice versa.
Taken from here:
object-group service DC_PORTS_UDP udp
port-object eq 389
port-object eq 88
port-object eq 445
port-object eq 123
port-object eq 464
port-object eq 138
port-object eq 67
port-object eq 2535
port-object eq 137
object-group service DC_PORTS_TCP tcp
port-object eq 389
port-object eq 636
port-object eq 3268
port-object eq 3269
port-object eq 88
port-object eq 53
port-object eq 445
port-object eq 135
port-object eq 5722
port-object eq 464
port-object eq 9389
port-object eq 139
I needed a way to test outbound UDP traffic from citrix netscaler to prove traffic was working.
Normally I would use telnet for a quick TCP port check or the "nc" command but nc was not available on NetScaler and I could not install. I was able to test like so
Log into citrix netscaller
"shell" to get into CLI mode
echo -n "Test from" > /dev/udp/
This sent UDP traffic from (citrix) to (logserver) on UDP port 514 (syslog)
I was able to see it arrive in my wireshark capture on
Connect to your anyconnect so you can see what tunnels/profiles are enabled
Use "show run tun" to see your tunnel config
Re-enable anyconnect
no address-pool STAFF-POOL
group-policy GP-STAFF attributes
no ip local pool STAFF-POOL
Customers don't test properly after network changes a general list which might help:
Update mgmt IP on FTD
1. Disable management of the device in FMC. Do that via Device Management > edit the Device > Device tab > move slider next to management section.
2. Change the address on the device directly using "configure network ..." command from the cli.
3. Edit the management address in FMC from the same place you disabled management. Then move the slider back to enable management.
Taken fromhttps://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/52396.powershell-ping-list-of-ip-addresses.aspx
Note that we're using System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping in these examples. However, you could also use the Test-Connection Jump PowerShell cmdlet or some other command maybe
Start-Transcript -Path .\log.txt
(Get-Content .\IPAddresses.txt) | ForEach {Write-Host $_, "-", ([System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping]::new().Send($_)).Status}
input file--------------------------------
input file--------------------------------
pfsense is open source firewall for linux
Can be run on any x86 machine with 2 (preferably intel) NICs
It can be of interest to business because the company https://www.netgate.com/ creates hardware and can also provide support.
It can also be virtualised in VMware etc.
Sample business 7000 users
Used pair of Netgate 7100 in HA
Each 7100 costs like $1200 so $2400 for the pair
Put that price up against similar setup from Cisco/Palo/Sonicwall
pfsense is the project
pfsense+ is a product a few hundred bucks a year for a support, can be increase for lower SLA
tnsr is a netgate product for faster routing at datacentre level. pfsense is all GUI, tnsr is all CLI.
The main thing its missing the full SSL traffic inspection. It can do it but it doesn't work well. Not many firewalls can do the SSL inspection on
You need to put bypass in for cert pinning like google / paypal etc
How many customers running cisco/palo are actually doing full SSL decryption ?
Can't go bigger than 10gig interface but probably not an issue for the target SME's.
80-100 concurrent VPN users.
The awk action is inside braces {}
ps | awk '{print $1}''
Default separator is spaces
Change it to , for csv
awk -F ","
Change to : for passwd file
awk -F ":"
awk -F ":" '{print $1}' /etc/passwd
Print out multiple columns
awk -F ":" '{print $1 $6 $7}' /etc/passwd
Add some tabs between outputs to make it more readable
awk -F ":" '{print $1"\t"$6"\t"$7}' /etc/passwd
Change the field separator
Work on data that has : as field separator
But output the data with - as the field separator
awk 'BEGIN{FS=":" OFS="-"} {print $1,$6,$7}' /etc/password
Print the last column
awk -F "/" '/^\//' {print $NF} /etc/shells | uniq | sort
the /'s need to be escaped \/dev
df | awk '/\/dev\/loop/' {print $1"\t"$2}
Find all the /bin/fish running
ps -ef | awk '{if ($NF == "/bin/fish") print $0}'
For loop
awk 'BEGIN {for 1=1; i<=10; i++) print "The square root of", i, "is", i*i';}'
Matching a pattern
awk '$1 ~ /^[b,c]/ {print $0}' .bashrc
awk 'match ($0, /mystring/' {print $0}'' numbered.txt
Print a section (NR number of records, line numbers)
between lines 7 and 11
df | awk 'NR==7, NR==11 {print NR, $0}'
Getting a line count
awk 'END {print NR}' /etc/shells
Was having issues getting AP's to join the cloud
Couldn't see any drops/blocks on firewall.
The AP's were trying to look up a DNS name RuckusController.customer-domain.com
Went onto the customer DC and added A record RuckusController.customer-domain.com and pointed it to the public IP of our cloud controller (virtual smart zone)
Also best to add mac addresses of the AP's to DHCP reservations
Make sure all is matching if you have 2 unsync'd DC setups
Other URLs I saw the contorllers were trying to access
It was access cloud controller IP on
UDP 12223
Make sure license in place which may in po/job folder
In dashboard add org you can paste in order number should add all devices and licenses.
Then we needed to give switch internet access with DHCP and it connected to the cloud about 15mins
Log into dashboard and config from there.
Keep in mind if you move switches to location with no internet you will lose config access
I was trying to copy files to a cisco ASR 1001x router.
I was having issues due to internal FW rules etc. I could SSH so probably SCP would work.
I needed to enable the following command on the ASR router
ip scp server enable
However it still wasn't working.
I needed to run the pscp command on my server with the files with the -scp switch to force the old protocol
pscp -scp filename.bin username@x.x.x.x:filename.bin
I had to fill in the second filename.bin for the destination otherwise it would not work
test.bat MyUsername MYPW
@echo off
set username=%1
set password=%2
echo %username%
echo %password%
plink can be used to automate ssh tasks
Customer to setup smart licence account with cisco https://software.cisco.com/
Needs to be setup with user@customer-domain.com email
Once setup get them to add you as admin
When buying licenses specific the smart account with the disti/vendor. Often they mess it up and the smart license goes into limbo. You then need to open a case with licensing team licensing@cisco.com
Once you get the license appearing in the smart license console you need to assign it to the device.
Generate token in the cloud and copy to a notepad
conf t
license smart deregister
ping tools.cisco.com (need to reach this for smart licensing) may need to config an internet connection / DNS / routes.
license smart
feature tier standard
feature strong-encryption
license smart register idtoken XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
license smart renew auth
show license summary
sh ver
Once you get the license applied watch out for another issues
Old 3DES / MD5 / SHA / DH Group2 etc are removed
The FTD automatically replaces them with AES256 and SHA256 but the IKE profile will still be called 3DES MD5. You will need to check S2S VPN's settings and upgrade them before upgrading ASA
When cisco find an issue they sometimes release a hotfix as a small quick fix.
The real fix will be put into the next maintenance release.
6.6 last FMC that supports cisco user agent ID. If you want to go above you need to uninstall useragent and install Cisco ISE-PIC agent
6.7.0 removes support for old ciphers. If you are using FTD you need to make sure all VPNs have been migrated to IKEv2 and updated ciphers.
ASA55xx-X devices only support up to certain sensor patches at time of writing
When you upgrade to 6.7.0 for example you should also upgrade to the latest release of 6.7.x at the time of writing it was 6.7.3 this ensures you get all fixes in your branch.
Because branches are worked on by different dev teams just because its fixed in does not mean the same issue is fixed in 6.7.0 so you need to make sure to go to 6.7.3 or what ever is that latest patch in that branch
You get a health warning that interfaces are modified after upgrade to 6.7.3
SSH into FMC
enter "expert" mode
enter "sudo su"
Run this command
OmniQuery.pl -db mdb -e "select status,category,hex(uuid),body from notification where status=11;"
For each UUID delete the notification
OmniQuery.pl -db mdb -e 'delete from notification where uuid=unhex("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");'
OmniQuery.pl -db mdb -e 'delete from notification where uuid=unhex("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY");'
OmniQuery.pl -db mdb -e 'delete from notification where uuid=unhex("ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ");'
Check again, it should be blank
OmniQuery.pl -db mdb -e "select status,category,hex(uuid),body from notification where status=11;"
Check your FMC interface the alert should have cleared
cat /etc/sf/patch_history
This is useful for seeing hotfixes applied as they don't show in the version number in the web interface
You combine the following commands in 8.2 code, in 8.3+ we are just using a NAT command
Global NAT for internet access
nat all traffic from inside to NAT ID "1"
nat (inside) 1
On NAT ID "1" nat all traffic behind the outside interface
global (outside) 1 interface
Static nat for giving a server a public IP
static (inside,outside)
access-list 100 permit tcp any host eq https
access-group 100 in interface outside
Create ACL to match traffic to be NAT'd for nat hide for VPN
access-list policy-nat extended permit ip
access-list policy-nat extended permit ip
Nat traffic matched with the ACL to NAT ID "2"
nat (public) 2 access-list policy-nat
Define what IP NAT id "2" should be nat'd to on the outside interface
global (outside) 2
select traffic, nat, define what IP to nat to 🤷
Scan box only has displayport + hdmi out so might need cables
Make sure time + date is set correctly
Make sure you have internet access on the scan box (may need FW rules and ssl exclusions)
Run software and plugin updates
Ask for AV/firewall logs not to log as it will create SIEM alerts
Copy from previous scan
Don't use scheduled scans because it will just make alerts for the customer when it kicks off again in 1 months time
Config networks (get from firewall, LAN switch etc)
Don't forget anyconnect and WIFI pools / ranges
Watch out for citrix or other remote access global protect etc
Once you have list of networks email customer that list and ask if there is anything to add. Also get credentials for (windows / SSH / SNMP). Inform them the scan may set off alerts in their system logs (FW/SIEM/SOAR/SOC/EDR./AV etc). We will create some temp rules to allow it access.
Clear the log file and restart service before starting scan. (https://avleonov.com/2018/03/14/dealing-with-nessus-logs/)
Start scan just before 9am (Tuesday is good) to try catch as many point in time hosts. Scans can run for hours into days and users may connect/disconnect during this time.
After first scan check the scan to see how long it took to complete, were there any errors/notes. Were there any important networks missed.
Generate and write report
Download nessus
For VMware choose the .ova, installs nessus core and the scanner runs on top of this
Palo prereqs fw
Add temp FW rule
Go to Network > Network profiles > Zone protection
Edit zone protection
Recon protection
Source address exclusion
Add Nessus-INT and EXT scanner IPs here
Nessus scan first setup
Default port for scanner
Choose advance scan
Give a name
Discover -> turn off ping the remote host
Port scanning -> can use default or all
Local port enumerators (leave as is)
Use syn scan
Turn on UDP
Service disover
probe al ports
search for SSL/TLS on all ports
Assessment -> tick perform through tests
Brute force -> Tick only user creds set by user
Web application -> don't scan if we are just doing an infra scan
Report -> untick show missing patches that have been superseded
Tick designate hosts by their DNS name
Advanced -> usually can leave but if flat network can tick bot to slow down the scan.
For internal scan we want to add creds for windows / SSH / SNMP. Ask for a temp admin user to run the scan.
Enable schedule once a quarter etc
Network detector tool
This is more MS and AD focused but can give good results like a list of users who have passwords set not to expire.
Run "RunNetworkDetective" as administrator
Give credentials
Give domain controller IP
Send output to R to run report from reporting tool
FileZilla server quick setup so you can transfer some files
Install the software
Setup FTP folder like C:\FTP and drop your files in there (in windows)
Create user and password in filezilla server
virtual path "/"
native "C:\FTP"
run a cmd "ftp localhost" and "dir" we should see your files
There can be a further step to make sure ports are open on windows firewall and any other firewall in-between your FTP server and client
Config -> Users -> External auth
MS ACtive directoryu
x.x.x.x (IP of DC)
(memberOf=CN= NetworkAdmin,OU=IT,DC=domain,DC=int)
cn=ASA,OU= ServiceAccounts ,OU=IT,DC=domain,DC=int
(memberOf=CN= NetworkAdmin,OU=IT,DC=domain,DC=int)
There is a test button
Command may vary depending on device/sw
sh ver | i reason
sh ver | i Last
sh ver | i reload
could try sh ver | i reload|Last|reason
For ASA:
show failover history
First check the rule is triggering correctly
Confirm its legitimate
Gather network data decoded
source IP:
Destination IP :
rule uuid: 2102251 (aka SID)
Rules file location
Count rules:
wc -l all.rules
Find your rule:
grep 2102251 all.rules
You can fully disable a rule if it does not apply
sudo so-rule disabled add 2102251
grep 2102251 all.rules (should see # to show its commented out)
Using a regular expression to disable all rules related to STUN
sudo so-rule disabled add 're:STUN'
grep STUN all.rules
To do fine grain tuning with Source/Destination we need to edit the global.sls file
sudo su
cd /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar
vi global.sls
The global.sls file is a yaml file so its spaces not tabs. If you have a standalone you can edit in one place but if you multiple sensors you will need to edit the file on each one.
Supress by source IP.
i sids:
- suppress:
gen_id: 1
track: by_src:
ip: (can use cidr here too)
Supress by threshold
- threshold:
gen_id: 1
type: threshold
track: by_src:
count: 10
seconds: 3600
In this case if one source makes more than 10 alerts in 1 hour something is going on and i want to look into that
save the global.sls file
restart surricata
ack the event in the alerts page in SOC
- FMC:
However, kindly know that this document is describing access for Web users only and not CLI, as CLI access using SSO is not supported for CLI users:
- ASA and ASDM:
Kindly know that ASA CLI and ASDM GUI authentication is only requiring the integration with an external party (e.g. ISE or NPS), however, for ASA we can configure 2FA for VPN AnyConnect users as below:
But, if we want to use it for CLI access only without VPN, we could use RADIOUS with supposed to be previously configured:
Accordingly, kindly note that directly configuration of 2FA is not yet supported over ASDM, and an enhancement request has been published to document this feature under bug ID (CSCvs85995):
Duo service name and tests:
Duo Security Authentication Proxy Service
sc qc DuoAuthProxy
tasklist | findstr proxy_svc.exe
C:\Program Files\Duo Security Authentication Proxy\bin\proxy_svc.exe
Run a powershell as admin:
C:\Program Files\Duo Security Authentication Proxy\bin
In our case the sub ordinate CA cert had expired and users were getting certificate errors opening emails etc.
Go to
Objects -> Object Management -> PKI -> Internal CA's ->
If you edit the old cert you can see when it expired "Not Valid After:"
Cancel from this screen
Click Generate CA buttion at the top
Fill in details
Name: firewall.customer.com
Common Name: firewall.customer.com
Click Generate CSR button
Copy the CSR into a notepad
Now go to your internal CA and request the cert
Login with username and password
Request a cert
Advanced certificate request
Paste the CSR created earlier
Choose the certificate template for Subordinate CA. If its not there that is a separate issue which needs to be resolved on the CA server by windows team.
Click Submit
Choose DER encoded and download the signed cert
Go back to FMC
Install the signed cert, click browse and select the downloaded cert file.
Now go into your SSL policy and edit any decrypt/resign rules and change to the new cert and push the policy.
You can now delete the old cert.
Its best to use a laptop with the ability to turn off windows firewall or add a firewall exception for the TFTP or ftp software
You can connect to the laptop via WIFI remote session
Connect laptop LAN -> MGMT interface on 1010
Connect USB to serial on laptop -> console port on 1010
You will need to factory reset back to the 192.168.x.x IP
Config 192.168.x.x IP on your laptop so you can talk to the FTD
You also have the option of putting the software on a fat32 formated USB drive and insert into 1010
I tried a rommon method from youtube but it didn't work the erase disk0 command was not there
Do ctrl + H
find all white space "\s+"
replace with newline "\n"
You may want CR "\r" or both "\r\n"
Simple way to find IP address
find digit 1-3
wmic NIC where NetEnabled=true get Name,Speed
Get-NetAdapter | where Status -eq "Up" | select InterfaceDescription, LinkSpeed