Monday, 28 March 2022

ruckus cloud controller AP install

 Was having issues getting AP's to join the cloud

Couldn't see any drops/blocks on firewall.

The AP's were trying to look up a DNS name

Went onto the customer DC and added A record and pointed it to the public IP of our cloud controller (virtual smart zone)

Also best to add mac addresses of the AP's to DHCP reservations

Make sure all is matching if you have 2 unsync'd DC setups 

Other URLs I saw the contorllers were trying to access


It was access cloud controller IP on 

UDP 12223

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Meraki switches

Make sure license in place which may in po/job folder

In dashboard add org you can paste in order number should add all devices and licenses.

Then we needed to give switch internet access with DHCP and it connected to the cloud about 15mins

Log into dashboard and config from there.

Keep in mind if you move switches to location with no internet you will lose config access


Wednesday, 16 March 2022

pscp file to cisco router

I was trying to copy files to a cisco ASR 1001x router.

I was having issues due to internal FW rules etc. I could SSH so probably SCP would work.

I needed to enable the following command on the ASR router

ip scp server enable

However it still wasn't working.

I needed to run the pscp command on my server with the files with the -scp switch to force the old protocol

pscp -scp filename.bin username@x.x.x.x:filename.bin

I had to fill in the second filename.bin for the destination otherwise it would not work

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

read in variable in windows .bat file


test.bat MyUsername MYPW


 @echo off

set username=%1

set password=%2

echo %username%

echo %password%



plink can be used to automate ssh tasks

Monday, 7 March 2022

cisco ftd/asa smart licensing strong encryption

Customer to setup smart licence account with cisco

Needs to be setup with email

Once setup get them to add you as admin

When buying licenses specific the smart account with the disti/vendor. Often they mess it up and the smart license goes into limbo. You then need to open a case with licensing team

Once you get the license appearing in the smart license console you need to assign it to the device.


Generate token in the cloud and copy to a notepad


conf t


license smart deregister


ping (need to reach this for smart licensing) may need to config an internet connection / DNS / routes.

license smart

feature tier standard

feature strong-encryption

license smart register idtoken XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

license smart renew auth

show license summary

sh ver


Once you get the license applied watch out for another issues

Old 3DES / MD5 / SHA / DH Group2 etc  are removed 

The FTD automatically replaces them with AES256 and SHA256 but the IKE profile will still be called 3DES MD5. You will need to check S2S VPN's settings and upgrade them before upgrading ASA

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Firepower hotfix and patch schedule info

 When cisco find an issue they sometimes release a hotfix as a small quick fix.

The real fix will be put into the next maintenance release.

6.6 last FMC that supports cisco user agent ID. If you want to go above you need to uninstall useragent and install Cisco ISE-PIC agent

6.7.0 removes support for old ciphers. If you are using FTD you need to make sure all VPNs have been migrated to IKEv2 and updated ciphers.

ASA55xx-X devices only support up to certain sensor patches at time of writing

When you upgrade to 6.7.0 for example you should also upgrade to the latest release of 6.7.x at the time of writing it was 6.7.3 this ensures you get all fixes in your branch.

Because branches are worked on by different dev teams just because its fixed in does not mean the same issue is fixed in 6.7.0 so you need to make sure to go to 6.7.3 or what ever is that latest patch in that branch

fmc error after upgrading to 6.7.3 interface modified

You get a health warning that interfaces are modified after upgrade to 6.7.3

SSH into FMC

enter "expert" mode

enter "sudo su"

Run this command -db mdb -e "select status,category,hex(uuid),body from notification where status=11;"

For each UUID delete the notification -db mdb -e 'delete from notification where uuid=unhex("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");' -db mdb -e 'delete from notification where uuid=unhex("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY");' -db mdb -e 'delete from notification where uuid=unhex("ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ");'

Check again, it should be blank -db mdb -e "select status,category,hex(uuid),body from notification where status=11;"

Check your FMC interface the alert should have cleared

show patch history on FMC CLI



cat /etc/sf/patch_history

This is useful for seeing hotfixes applied as they don't show in the version number in the web interface