Tuesday, 26 November 2024

gre tunnels not coming up

Have an issues but not sure of the cause, sometimes the GRE tunnel does not re-establish over a S2S VPN.

Save backup config and check routes

Ensure your S2S VPN config is correct, usually you will see VPN p1 up but GRE tunnel showing as up/down.

shut down both tunnel interfaces on either end

save the router config

reboot the remote router config

bring up tunnel interface in HQ router

Now bring it up on the remote router

Ensure all routes are in place

remote > HQ (tunnelxx)

HQ > remote (tunnelxx)

Thursday, 21 November 2024

FMC 7.4 notes

Create a blank policy called onboarding with nothing attached 

This is if you are moving FTD's between FMC there is some unique things like NAT and interface zones so best to

Make sure to backup your policy

ASA side IP / routing conifg

delete the manager

wipe FTD

add to new manager (onboarding policy)

Once added switch to your new real policy