! Amazon Web Services ! Virtual Private Cloud ! ! AWS utilizes unique identifiers to manipulate the configuration of ! a VPN Connection. Each VPN Connection is assigned an identifier and is ! associated with two other identifiers, namely the ! Customer Gateway Identifier and Virtual Private Gateway Identifier. ! ! Your VPN Connection ID : ! Your Virtual Private Gateway ID : ! Your Customer Gateway ID : ! ! ! This configuration consists of two tunnels. Both tunnels must be ! configured on your Customer Gateway. Only a single tunnel will be up at a ! time to the VGW. ! ! You may need to populate these values throughout the config based on your setup: !- External interface of the ASA ! - Inbound ACL on the external interface ! - Outside crypto map ! and - VPC address range ! and - Local subnet address range ! - Target address that is part of acl-amzn to run SLA monitoring ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IPSec Tunnels ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #1: Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Configuration ! ! A policy is established for the supported ISAKMP encryption, ! authentication, Diffie-Hellman, lifetime, and key parameters. ! ! Note that there are a global list of ISAKMP policies, each identified by ! sequence number. This policy is defined as #201, which may conflict with ! an existing policy using the same number. If so, we recommend changing ! the sequence number to avoid conflicts. ! crypto isakmp identity address crypto isakmp enable crypto isakmp policy 201 encryption aes authentication pre-share group 2 lifetime 28800 hash sha exit ! ! The tunnel group sets the Pre Shared Key used to authenticate the ! tunnel endpoints. ! tunnel-group XX.XXX.XXX.40 type ipsec-l2l tunnel-group XX.XXX.XXX.40 ipsec-attributes pre-shared-key somepassword ! ! This option enables IPSec Dead Peer Detection, which causes periodic ! messages to be sent to ensure a Security Association remains operational. ! isakmp keepalive threshold 10 retry 3 exit ! tunnel-group XX.XXX.XXX.44 type ipsec-l2l tunnel-group XX.XXX.XXX.44 ipsec-attributes pre-shared-key anotherpassword ! ! This option enables IPSec Dead Peer Detection, which causes periodic ! messages to be sent to ensure a Security Association remains operational. ! isakmp keepalive threshold 10 retry 3 exit ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #2: Access List Configuration ! ! Access lists are configured to permit creation of tunnels and to send applicable traffic over them. ! This policy may need to be applied to an inbound ACL on the outside interface that is used to manage control-plane traffic. ! This is to allow VPN traffic into the device from the Amazon endpoints. ! access-list extended permit ip host XX.XX.XX.40 host my.fw.pub.ip access-list extended permit ip host XX.XX.XX.44 host my.fw.pub.ip ! The following access list named acl-amzn specifies all traffic that needs to be routed to the VPC. Traffic will ! be encrypted and transmitted through the tunnel to the VPC. Association with the IPSec security association ! is done through the "crypto map" command. ! ! This access list should contain a static route corresponding to your VPC CIDR and allow traffic from any subnet. ! If you do not wish to use the "any" source, you must use a single access-list entry for accessing the VPC range. ! If you specify more than one entry for this ACL without using "any" as the source, the VPN will function erratically. ! See section #4 regarding how to restrict the traffic going over the tunnel ! ! access-list acl-amzn extended permit ip any !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #3: IPSec Configuration ! ! The IPSec transform set defines the encryption, authentication, and IPSec ! mode parameters. ! crypto ipsec transform-set transform-amzn esp-aes esp-sha-hmac ! The crypto map references the IPSec transform set and further defines ! the Diffie-Hellman group and security association lifetime. The mapping is created ! as #1, which may conflict with an existing crypto map using the same ! number. If so, we recommend changing the mapping number to avoid conflicts. ! crypto map 1 match address acl-amzn crypto map 1 set pfs group2 crypto map 1 set peer XX.XXX.XXX.40 XX.XXX.XXX.44 crypto map 1 set transform-set transform-amzn ! ! Only set this if you do not already have an outside crypto map, and it is not applied: ! crypto map interface ! ! Additional parameters of the IPSec configuration are set here. Note that ! these parameters are global and therefore impact other IPSec ! associations. ! Set security association lifetime until it is renegotiated. crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 3600 ! ! This option instructs the firewall to clear the "Don't Fragment" ! bit from packets that carry this bit and yet must be fragmented, enabling ! them to be fragmented. ! crypto ipsec df-bit clear-df ! ! This configures the gateway's window for accepting out of order ! IPSec packets. A larger window can be helpful if too many packets ! are dropped due to reordering while in transit between gateways. ! crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 128 ! ! This option instructs the firewall to fragment the unencrypted packets ! (prior to encryption). ! crypto ipsec fragmentation before-encryption ! ! This option causes the firewall to reduce the Maximum Segment Size of ! TCP packets to prevent packet fragmentation. sysopt connection tcpmss 1387 ! ! In order to keep the tunnel in an active state, the ASA needs to send traffic to the subnet ! defined in acl-amzn. SLA monitoring can be configured to send pings to a destination in the subnet and ! keep the tunnel active. A possible destination for the ping is the VPC Gateway IP, which is the ! first IP address in one of your subnets. ! For example: a VPC with a CIDR range of will have a gateway: ! ! The monitor is created as #1, which may conflict with an existing monitor using the same ! number. If so, we recommend changing the sequence number to avoid conflicts. ! sla monitor 1 type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho interface frequency 5 exit sla monitor schedule 1 life forever start-time now ! ! The firewall must allow icmp packets to use "sla monitor" icmp permit any !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #4: VPN Filter ! The VPN Filter will restrict traffic that is permitted through the tunnels. By default all traffic is denied. ! The first entry provides an example to include traffic between your VPC Address space and your office. ! You may need to run 'clear crypto isakmp sa', in order for the filter to take effect. ! ! access-list amzn-filter extended permit ip access-list amzn-filter extended deny ip any any group-policy filter internal group-policy filter attributes vpn-filter value amzn-filter tunnel-group XX.XXX.XXX.40 general-attributes default-group-policy filter exit tunnel-group XX.XXX.XXX.44 general-attributes default-group-policy filter exit !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #5: NAT Exemption ! If you are performing NAT on the ASA you will have to add a nat exemption rule. ! This varies depending on how NAT is set up. It should be configured along the lines of: ! object network obj-SrcNet ! subnet ! object network obj-amzn ! subnet ! nat (inside,outside) 1 source static obj-SrcNet obj-SrcNet destination static obj-amzn obj-amzn ! If using version 8.2 or older, the entry would need to look something like this: ! nat (inside) 0 access-list acl-amzn ! Or, the same rule in acl-amzn should be included in an existing no nat ACL. ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Additional Notes and Questions ! - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Getting Started Guide: ! http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/GettingStartedGuide ! - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide: ! http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/NetworkAdminGuide ! - Troubleshooting Cisco ASA Customer Gateway Connectivity: ! http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/NetworkAdminGuide/Cisco_ASA_Troubleshooting.html ! - XSL Version: 2009-07-15-1119716
If you have a brand new firewall you could *probably* copy paste this stuff in and it would work, but I still wouldn't advise it. Most users have a lot of config on their firewalls already. Also there are some global settings in there that you might not be comfortable with changing if you have VPNs to other customers for example.
The config generated by AWS didn't match up exactly to
the 8.6 code running on my ASA.
Template from amazon
My config
Already present
crypto isakmp identity address
crypto isakmp identity address
crypto isakmp enable <outside_interface>
crypto ikev1 enable OUTSIDE
crypto isakmp policy 201
crypto ikev1 policy 201
No, needed to be added. Keep in mind on other firewalls
a policy 201 may exist already and you’ll have to use a different number
tunnel-group xx.xx.xx.xx type ipsec-l2l
No, needs to be copied exactly from the template
access-list <outside_access_in> extended permit
ip host XX.XXX.XX.44 host my.fw.pub.ip
No, needs to be added. You need to determine what is
the name of the ACL applied to the outside interface.
access-list acl-amzn extended permit ip any <vpc_subnet>
access-list CUSTOMER_AWS extended permit ip any int.net.ip.add
No, needs to be added. You should use a descriptive
name for the ACL
crypto ipsec transform-set transform-amzn esp-aes
crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA
esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
Yes, there was already a transform set for aes 128 and
crypto map <amzn_vpn_map> 1
crypto map S2S 190
No, needs to be added, you need to make sure the map
number is not in use. Make sure to update the ACL name and the transform set.
crypto map <amzn_vpn_map> interface
crypto map S2S interface OUTSIDE
Additional global settings
No, going to leave these out for now. If we have issues
with the VPNs we can test.
VPN Filter
No, needs to be added, ACL, networks and Filter names
should be updated.
NAT exemption
No, needed to add an object for the customer private
Config applied to the ASA firewall in the end, you can see I left out a lot of the global settings. So far the VPNs are working fine:
crypto ikev1 policy 201
authentication pre-share
encryption aes
hash sha
group 2
lifetime 28800
tunnel-group XX.XXX.XX.44 type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group XX.XXX.XX.44 ipsec-attributes
ikev1 pre-shared-key *****
isakmp keepalive threshold 10 retry 3
tunnel-group XX.XXX.XX.40 type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group XX.XXX.XX.40 ipsec-attributes
ikev1 pre-shared-key *****
isakmp keepalive threshold 10 retry 3
access-list outside_in extended permit ip host XX.XXX.XX.44 host my.fw.pub.ip
access-list outside_in extended permit ip host XX.XXX.XX.40 host my.fw.pub.ip
access-list CUSTOMER_AWS extended permit ip any cust.int.net.id
crypto map S2S 190 match address CUSTOMER_AWS
crypto map S2S 190 set pfs group2
crypto map S2S 190 set peer XX.XXX.XX.44 XX.XXX.XX..40
crypto map S2S 190 set transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA
crypto map S2S 190 set security-association lifetime seconds 3600
crypto map S2S 190 set security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
access-list CUSTOMER_AWS_VPN_FILTER_ACL extended permit ip cust.int.net.id
access-list CUSTOMER_AWS_VPN_FILTER_ACL extended deny ip any any
group-policy CUSTOMER_AWS_VPN_FILTER internal
group-policy CUSTOMER_AWS_VPN_FILTER attributes
tunnel-group XX.XXX.XX.44 general-attributes
default-group-policy CUSTOMER_AWS_VPN_FILTER
tunnel-group XX.XXX.XX.40 general-attributes
default-group-policy CUSTOMER_AWS_VPN_FILTER
object network obj-cust.int.net.id
subnet cust.int.net.id
nat (inside,outside) 1 source static obj- obj- destination static obj-cust.int.net.id obj-cust.int.net.idnation static obj-cust.int.net.id obj-cust.int.net.id
I'm having this issue: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=141058&tstart=0 even when I used your config, what am I missing?