I've come across some access / lights out routers. Usually attached to a DSL line which gets unplugged when not in use.
The router has the octal cable which connects to the console of your network devices.
You can create aliases as follows
ip host MY-NET-DEV1 2033
Now you can just type MY-NET-DEV1 to connect
CTRL + SHIFT + 6 and then X to disconnect
Somes the aliases aren't filled in and you need to figure out what is connected to which ports.
First off use clear line to clear all the tty lines.
All the ports start at 2000
When you do sh line you will see TTY lines with numbers 33, this means to connect its the access router IP and 2033
telnet 2033
Generally telnet is used because you are connecting over the octal cable
Connect to each TTY line
If you don't see a hostname you'll have to just try usernames and passwords until you get in.
If you have access to the physical location you can also trace the octal cables
Once you know which ports are connected to which devices you can create you ip host objects.
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