Wednesday, 5 October 2016

sample switch config

Setup a local user
username local-user privilege 15 password 0 P@55w0rd
username MYUSER privilege 15 algorithm-type scrypt secret P@55w0rd

Set the enable secret
enable secret s3cr3t

write mem

Set hostname
hostname SITE-3650

Don't try to look up hostnames
no ip domain lookup 

Set up the line settings
line con 0
 logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
 transport input ssh
line vty 5 15
 transport input ssh

Enable cdp
cdp run

set ntp server
ntp server

Set default gateway (L2)
ip default-gateway

Set banner
banner login ^
*** MY BANNER ***

Enable ip routing (L3 functions)
ip routing

Set L3 default route
ip route vlan 10

Set domain name
ip domain-name

Generate rsa key (for ssh)
conf t
crypto key generate rsa general-keys label MYLABEL modulus 2048

Setup spanning tree
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst

Set up local logging buffer
Generally its set very low. Use dir to check how much space you have.
If you have a syslog server its not an issue
logging buffered 5000000 debugging

Set up AAA
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius NPS
 server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
 server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
aaa authentication login default group NPS local
aaa authentication login CON local
aaa authentication dot1x default group NPS local
aaa session-id common

Setup SVI on the switch
interface Vlan10
 ip address
 ip helper-address

Set management interface
interface Loopback100
 description SWITCH MGMT
 ip address

Setup so radius can come from the management IP
ip radius source-interface Loopback100

Set up radius
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server retransmit 0
radius-server timeout 1
radius-server key MY-SECRET-RADIUS-KEY

Side note - Upgraded a 3750E to 15.2 and it broke Radius
Change to calling the Group

aaa group server radius NPS
server name NPS-1
server name NPS-2

radius server NPS-1
address ipv4 auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
pac key **********
radius server NPS-2
address ipv4 auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
pac key ********

Setup your access ports
interface FastEthernet0/1
 switchport mode access (set the port as an access port)
 switchport access vlan 10 (data vlan for PC)
 switchport voice vlan 200 (voice vlan for IP phone)

 switchport port-security (turn on port security)
 switchport port-security maximum 2 (max 2 MAC's phone and PC)
 switchport port-security violation restrict (log and ignore the extra traffic)
 spanning-tree portfast (don't wait 60 seconds to bring the port up)
 spanning-tree bpduguard enable (err-disable the port if we detect switch/BPDU)
 no shutdown (bring the port up)

Setup trunk ports
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport mode trunk

You may have to set tftp source interface
ip tftp source-interface

Setup VTP
You won't find settings in show run. Use "sh vtp status" and "sh vtp password" on another switch and configure the same settings on the new switch. Most likely you'll want to use the client mode.
SITE-3650#sh vtp status
VTP Version                     : running VTP2
Configuration Revision          : 15
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs        : 30
VTP Operating Mode              : Client
VTP Domain Name                 : MYDOMAIN
VTP Pruning Mode                : Disabled
VTP V2 Mode                     : Enabled
VTP Traps Generation            : Disabled
MD5 digest                      : 0x7C 0x91 0x1E 0x52 0x99 0x80 0x60 0x5E

This one has ACL applied to SSH
line con 0
 session-timeout 15
 exec-timeout 0 0
 logging synchronous
 login authentication CON
 history size 256
line vty 0 4
 session-timeout 15
 access-class 2 in
 exec-timeout 15 0
 password 7 0034212757550A045E72
 logging synchronous
 length 0
 history size 256
 transport input ssh
 transport output ssh
line vty 5 15
 session-timeout 15
 access-class 2 in
 exec-timeout 15 0
 password 7 0034212757550A045E72
 logging synchronous
 history size 256
 transport input ssh
 transport output ssh

Setup port channel interface if needed
interface Port-channel40
 description "*** PortChan members gig1/1/1 and gig2/1/1 ***"
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport trunk native vlan 10
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport nonegotiate
 storm-control broadcast level 10.00
 ip dhcp snooping trust

Setup port channel members (channel-group)
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1
 description *** Link to core ***
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport trunk native vlan 100
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport nonegotiate
 srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20
 priority-queue out
 mls qos trust dscp
 storm-control broadcast level 10.00
 channel-group 40 mode on
 ip dhcp snooping trust

interface GigabitEthernet2/1/1
 description *** link to core ***
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport trunk native vlan 100
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport nonegotiate
 srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20
 priority-queue out
 mls qos trust dscp
 storm-control broadcast level 10.00
 channel-group 40 mode on
 ip dhcp snooping trust

Setup eigrp
router eigrp 100
network (wildcard mask)

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