- OS: CentOS / Ubuntu (using docker)
- Infra: Salt, Docker, Elasticsearch, Redis, Logstash, File beat, Grafana
- Network and host data: Wazuh, Osquery, Beats, Steno, Suricata, Zeek, Strelka
- Analyst tools: SOC, Hunt, Kibana, TheHive, CyberChef, Playbook, Fleet, Navigator
Install modes
- Forensic analysis (import note) (after the fact)
- Analyst workstation (expanding malware inside a VM)
- Test (evaluation) just for testing
- Production
- Standalone - small environments
- Distributed - recommended, sec onion grid with roles split up onto different servers
Where to get help
- Forum (github discussions)
- Paid support available
- Download the ISO from
- The ISO is on github
- ISO is 7GB
- Verify your image
- The ISO image is the quickest and easiest method (Installs centos 7)
- Its possible to also do a git clone on your CentOS/Ubuntu server
Min spec
Standalone min spec
16 GB
200GB (or more) SSD recommend
Virtual box used for testing
Installing in virtual box I pick linux -> other 64bit
You would want more in a production environment
Security onion offer appliances
- Local storage is support
- Remote/Network storage may work but not supported
NIC (Intel preferably)
- One for network / management
- One for sniffing of traffic
- Wireless interfaces not support but may work
- UPS is recommended because SecOnion uses various databases which don't like power outages.
Server/Appliance terms
- Standalone everything on one server. Can be taxing for larger environments
- Manager node stores the logs and runs all the reports
- Search nodes can be used to parse and index events
ISO install
The ISO will ask you for a user, this is for the underlying OS
After install you will be asked to reboot
After login so setup will start
Chose mode type
- Standalone - all components on a single system
- Distributed - components split across nodes, for larger networks
- Import - for importing pcap and logfiles
- Other - other types
You have to agree to elastic license.
Standard - the manager has internet access (most installs)
airgap - manger does not have internet access
Recommended to use static IP eg
Setup asks for direct internet or proxy. (Direct for most installed)
Select the monitor NIC.
This will be connected to a SPAN port or network tab
Set updates for the CentOS (automatic recommended)
Enter the home network (HOME_NET) you'll want to see your inside networks here.
Enable all components to be installed
Keep docker default IP range
Enter email username and password for the web interface
Select to access web interface by IP
If you use hostname you need to have it resolving in DNS or /etc/hosts
Config NTP
Yes allow so-allow. Can fill in a host IP or range
Checking after reboot or
sudo so-status (wait a few minutes for everything to start up and have a status of "OK")
Extra agents
You can install extra agents to get more info from the hosts. However this is 3 more agents to install/config and maintain. The installers can be downloaded from the seconion web interface
Sysmon / winlogbeat
Download MSI's from SecOnion web interface
Download sysmon from microsoft
Download sysmon config from github (swiftsecurity)
run so-allow on seconion (runs on port 5044)
config network beats are to come from
install sysmon with config on the target host(s)
install winlogbeats on host
config file = C:\ProgramData\Elastic\Beats\winlogbeat\winlogbeat.yml
There is an example file
config winlogbeats to forward events to seconion server
start the service "winlogbeat"
Winlogbeat ships Windows event logs to Elasticsearch or Logstash
C:\Program Files\Elastic\Beats\7.15.2\winlogbeat\winlogbeat.exe"
start mspaint
check eventvwr
applications + services logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Sysmon Operational
This event should have been forwarded to seconion. Wait a few minutes and check the web interface. Go to hunt -> * | groupby event.module event.dataset
wazuh (HIDS)
so-allow -> w
sudo so-wazuh-agent-manage
add agent
extract auth key
Install MSI on target host
Tick to launch config
Fill in manager IP
Fill in auth key
start service from services.msc
so-allow -> o
[a] - Analyst - 80/tcp, 443/tcp
[b] - Logstash Beat - 5044/tcp
[e] - Elasticsearch REST API - 9200/tcp
[f] - Strelka frontend - 57314/tcp
[o] - Osquery endpoint - 8090/tcp
[s] - Syslog device - 514/tcp/udp
[w] - Wazuh agent - 1514/tcp/udp
[p] - Wazuh API - 55000/tcp
[r] - Wazuh registration service - 1515/tcp
fill in network or host
Install MSI on target host, it should automatically install
Ensure service is started
C:\Program Files\Kolide\Launcher-so-launcher\bin\launcher.exe"
You can check the config file
"C:\Program Files\Kolide\Launcher-so-launcher\conf\launcher.flags"
hostname should be mananger server 10.x.x.x:8090
Analyst tools
Remember so-status to make sure everything is up and working
sudo so-test (download PCAPs and replays them in the system, needs internet access)
Log into the web interface
Login with email address configured during setup
- Alerts - Review alerts the system has detected
- Hunt - Look for threats, looks for things they may not have triggered an alert.
- PCAP - For pcap imports
- Sensors - All the sensors connected to the management server
- Downloads - Packages for beats/endpoint agents
- Administration - admin of the system
- Kibana - Visualisation of elastic data with dashboards/categories
- Grafana - Visualise the performance of the system
- Cyberchef - useful tools during investigations
- Playbook - build detection playbooks for when something new appears
- Fleet - Web interface for OSquery (servers and clients details)
- The Hive - Case management (alerts can be escalated into a case in the hive)
- Navigator - Visualise coverage from attack frame work
Alert triage and case creation
Start on the alerts interface
On a regular basis an analyst should be looking at these alerts.
The idea here is that they will work on the queue each day and try to get it down to 0.
They can open cases for other teams to resolve issues.
They will need to figure out if its something that needs to be escalated or something that can be acknowledged/dismissed.
This is a task on its own.
It can be sorted by high severity
One for example "Dropbox client broadcasting" this could be a legitimate host that is actually using dropbox. When you drilldown and check the IPs then you can click the bell icon to make it go away but it will come back. You can tune the system to ignore that rule. Similar ones are skype.
Once we have tuned out common apps we can look for real threats.
If we see "checkin" that suggest the malware is on a PC and its trying to contact a CnC server. We can drill down into this event. Here we can get more info like source/destination IP.
You can click on show PCAP for this event which wil show us the PCAP of this event.
Blue is from our source client
Red is the destination server
Endpoint is posting binary data to some suspicious URL like malware.web
Now we can look into our source client and see if there are other others.
Click source IP and click "empty" magnifying glass to see all alerts for this host
We can see an EXE was downloaded
From the Header we "MZ" "PE" and "This program cannot be run in DOS mode." this lets us know this is a windows executable.
We could download it as a PCAP
Open in network miner and generate a hash for the file
Check virus total for that hash which might identify the virus
Zeek is running so we can check that for file events for that external IP. Click the target to go to the hunt interface
It will be common for you to move from alerts interface to hunt interface.
Lets look at the zeek file log
Zeek has analyzer the file and we can see
hash.sha1 left click and go to VT (virus total)
We can see the file was detected by 50/70 scanners
We are pretty sure this is malware. We need to make a case in the hive now. We do this because we want to store all the info in one place. We may need to hand over to another shift or another team to do the clean up.
Click on the blue escalate icon on the download event
Do the same on the checkin event
Any other events you want
Go to the hive
Each event will have its own case
We can merge all the events into one case to keep them together
We can attach observables like the hash, exe, URL, source and destination IP
Tick that its an IOC
We can add tasks:
- investigate other alerts from the compromised hosts
- get someone to clean the infected hosts
- block the CnC IP on your firewall
- look for other connections to the CnC IP (find other infected hosts)
AD Hoc Hunting
Instead of looking at alerts, we will ask/answer questions.
For example, looking at all of the HTTP traffic seen, what destination ports were used ? We would expect port 80 and port 443 for HTTPS. However if we see some traffic using strange ports like 66666 we want to know about that traffic and start looking into it. Is it legitimate or not ?
Other things to hunt for
- Checking HTTP status codes and messages. Are we seeing any non-standard results. For example we expect code 200 message OK. What if we see code 200 message lol
- User agents seen on the network. We would expect mostly the companies browser but there could be other user agents some could be legit others not.
- Searching for linux commands like dig curl nc being used on windows hosts
- Filter on traffic that was allowed to pass through the firewall (can group by source IP, destination IP)
- Looking at port 22 (SSH) often used to tunnel in. Most orgs would have legitimate SSH traffic that would need to be excluded
- Checking the number of alerts over time. If we see a spike in alerts for example normally we get about 50 alerts but then one day we 150 in a short period of time. This should trigger an investigation. What caused those alerts, where did it come from etc.
OQL (onion query language) used for searching the data
event.dataset: alert | groupby event.module event.severity_label
Events will be listed at the bottom. Each event call be drilled down into
If we click the drop down arrow on the OQL bar there are many pre-defined queries setup for us.
event.dataset: http | groupby destination.port
Now we can see most stuff is going over 80/433.
We might see some on port 8080 a common alterative port
Left click one of the strange ports and click "plus" magnifying glass
Our OQL changes to this
event.dataset: http AND destination.port:"8008" | groupby destination.port
Looking at this event
We see a strange host (left click VT)
Sometimes the URL looks bad but its actually fine
Malware domains might be new and change a lot.
The analyst was able to recognise base64 with the padding "==" on the end
They took this string into cyber chef
From base64
We got an output but it didn't make much sense
Magic operation tries to figure out the string
Intensive mode will try brute force it which can take time / impact the system
Scroll through and see if we can find anything recognisable
Doing this we spotted some public IP addresses. ID is a hash of the
- Source IP
- Source port
- Dest IP
- Destination port
- Potocol
We can search for that community ID
Click the network.community_ID and click the "clear" mag glass
"1:aasjklfhalksfhkjha" | groupby event.dataset event.module
We can see some stuff from Zeek and Sysmon. (need agent installed)
The network community ID makes it easy to corelate between different log sources.
Hover sysmon
We can see the PC is ran on
The process that was run
The user that ran it
You can google search the process and VT search too
In this case windows defender was downloading a file from the internet. We are not sure if it was legitimate or not.
Parent command line can be useful to look at often bad stuff will be launched from a wscript or powershell.
We can look in Fleet (web management interface for OSquery)
OSquery lets you query the system like an SQL style language
SELECT * FROM users;
Maybe you see a user that shouldn't be on this system or a strange new user.
Checking the machine for auto starting software is a good place to start
SELECT * FROM startup_items;
Also services and scheduled tasks
SELECT name,action from scheduled_tasks;
You can filter for mpcmd looking for that CLI
This is an example of how ad-hoc hunting can help
- We looked at outbound http traffic
- Looked at outlyers
- Drill down into port 8008
- This lead to a PCAP where we found public IP's
- We used community ID which lead to sysmon log
- We found the process that created that network connection
- We queried fleet (osquery) to find where this is being run from
- We found on the machine where that process is starting up
- We should create a case in the hive
Sometimes you will find legitimate software like old servers/services that haven't been shut down but still good for the business to clean these up before they cause a security issue
Detection engineering
- Detection gap - understanding where we are not monitoring
- Configure Detection pipeline - Setup new sensor, install osquery, configured logs
- Write/Test detection - Creating your own detection rules
- Production and tuning - Enabling the rule in production, usually will required tuning
Detection playbook
- Objective - Useful info for later and other teams
- Machine query - Can be zeek script, playbook, sigma signature etc
- Next steps - What do we do after detection, how do we fix it
Playbook has lots of plays already created for you.
You can go in and view the play
View ElastAlert Config
View Sigma
Next steps examples could be lock down permissions on the share and contact system owner.
Sigma is an open signature format. Can be applied to any type of log file. The idea is to make it easy for sec works to easily write and share signatures
snort/surricata rules for network ids
yara rules for files
Sigma rules are for logs
Sigma is yaml
For example we can look for windows accounts being created. Not something bad on its own but we might find attackers are creating their own users. Windows Event log ID 4720. Does the username follow our company policy naming convention.
Click Convert to change it to an SO elasticsearch query.
Click copy
Go to the hunt tab and paste the query and make sure we are getting results
Edit play as needed
Now we have tested its working we can "create play from sigma"
Edit the play
Change the status from "Draft" to "Active"
Now the its in production and will be looking for those logs
When the play generates an alert it will appear in the Alerts tab. The source will be from playbook. If one pop's up that we don't recognise we can see the play details and read the objective of the play. If we create a case in the the hive we can see tasks already setup from out play. This is good because we go from detection to next steps and we have context of why the alert popped and why its important to fix.
Security Onion 2
Security onion 2 released OCT 2020
You want to monitor north/south directly behind the firewall. Traffic that is going in/out from the internet.
East/west traffice from client DMZ <-> Servers
SO also likes to collect windows logs from the servers and clients
NIDS alerts from Surricata (Starts and investigation)
Protocol metadata from Zeek (Provides context)
Full PCAP from Google Stenographer (high performance/indexing)
Sniffing NICs
Collect the raw data AF_PACKET (built into linux kernel by default)
AF_PACKET kernel based load balancer.
The purpose of an AF_PACKET
socket is to allow network communication at the link layer, for example to receive or transmit raw Ethernet frames.
Consuming from AF_PACKET is Stenographer / Surricata / Zeek
They write their data to several locations
- Stenographer -> Full packet capture -> /nsm/pcap -> sensoroni agent
- Surricata -> IDS alerts -> /nsm/suricata -> Filebeat
- Zeek -> Protocol Meta data -> /nsm/zeek/logs -> Filebeat
- Zeek also extracts files like EXE, PDF -> /nsm/zeek/extracted/complete/
- Those files are then analysed by Strelka
Strelka is a real-time, container-based file scanning system used for threat hunting, threat detection, and incident response.
FileBeats is the platform for lightweight shippers to push data from your servers to the Elastic Stack. We can have a filebeat for mac or windows etc. So windows logs are shipped into your SO Elasticsearch/logstash
Endpoint visibility
OSquery - cross platform way to collect logs from clients. We can also query endpoints with and SQL based language
Elastic beats - Alternative to OSquery. winlog beast, filebeat, auditbeat etc.
Wazuh HIDS - Host based intrusion detection system. Also cross platform for log collection. root kit detection etc.
Sysmon - sysinternals gives great logging for windows. These will be pulled off the endpoint with one of the agents above
autoruns - sysinternal tool also give great information
There are some options here and the enterprise can choose what works for them
SOC (security onion console)
New management interface
One stop shop to access all of the interfaces
Alerts interface
Any IDS when we set it up we get lots of alerts. Too many. How can we slice and dice the data. SOC has created a simple but powerful interface.
Sec analyst should work on the alerts queue and try get it down to 0 each day. Weed out false positives, normal stuff, investigate suspicious stuff and open cases for confirmed malware infections etc.
Pivot from alert -> full pcap
Pivot from alert -> hunting interface
Alert interface is not just
- Surricata alerts (NIDS)
- Zeek alerts (file / dns etc)
- HIDS alerts (wazuh)
- Yarra file matches (Strelka)
- Playbook matches (Sigma sigs and you own custom detection playbooks)
Hunt interface
Asking questions getting answers
Looking for outliers
Think like an attacker, what would they be trying to do
Crown jewels approach. Our most important data is on server A in database X so lets look at traffic and processes to/from this server/database.
Ransomware often looks to encrypt fileshares, lets look at activity on those.
Pivoting to full PCAP, virtus total etc
Kibana dashboards - visualising data
CyberChef - Tools for encoding/decoding
Playbook - Pull rules from the sigma community, convert them to run on an elastic search backend. Moving threat hunting into an automated process. We might find a threat on one customer, create detection remediation and copy/paste that play.
Fleet - Web interface for OSquery
The hive - case management tool, all interfaces can escalate and create a case in the hive (blue triangle)
Attack Navigator - MITRE frame work. This is the idea of trying to follow attackers tactics
Grafana - Monitor health of deployment
Analyst workstation
If you are extracting malware reverse engineering some software you will want to do that inside a VM
You want to run it inside an analyst workstation
Gives you the usual tools
Community power
- Emerging threats NIDS rules
- Wazuh HID rules
- Sigma rules
- Yara rules / Strelka
- Elastic common schema (ECS) other tools can work with this
- Community ID for correlation
Searching for the community ID value will help you find other alerts/logs from other sources. Can help you find stuff.
Search osquyery for that community id and it can return the process that generated that network traffic.
Sysmon is free but its not open source. Community id has been requested but has not been added yet. OS has sponsored a way to dynamically generate the community id value. Now you can correlate all of your logs together.
Use cases
Smallest forensics VM, import pcaps
Production deployment. Start with a standalone deployment on a server. Everything working on one server. Will work ok in smaller enviornment
You will probably want to scale to production deployment - distributed
Central server / manager
One or more forward nodes - sensors forward all the logs to the manager which stores them in search nodes
One or more search nodes - search on the data
As we move from forensics VM -> standalone -> distributed the resource requirements go up.
Raw PCAP -> Forward Nodes (osquery/strelka/surricata/wazuh/zeek) -> Filebeat -> Forward logs -> Manager (logstash -> redis -> elastic search) -> Search nodes (logstash -> elasticsearch <-> Currator)
This design is scalable because if we want to add more network visibility we can add more forward nodes. If we are getting slow searches we add another search node.
Snort support
Looking at adding snort later when the 3.0 is released
RHEL 7 support
Working on support for that in the future
No MSP style manager yet
Looking at adding redundancy for managers but longer term pipeline
At the moment the customer should create their own grid and admin it from there.
Analyst desktop
Install so 2 in a VM (analyst install)
No sniffing
No elastic search
Just PCAP tools
You can do a full standalone
after setup is completed install so-analyst-install
You could also do Centos minimal install
git clone the script
Every nodes runs a wazuh manager
Wazuh api
Can I point firewall syslog (or other device) to the manager
This is possible. You can send it to forward node or manager
SO 2 AMI will be on the market place
Alert Triage & Case Creation
We assume security onion has been installed correctly.
HOME/EXT_NET variables have been configured
Alerts tab check the alerts for the last 24 hours
Bell icon acknowledges alerts (makes it go away)
The blue triangle escalates it. This opens a case in the hive.
Left click on the alert name and drilldown
Click the arrow to expand details
Check the source/destination IP's
Get info on your servers
Look at rule.rule
Look at the network data decoded
We can left click on attacker public IP and click only to see all events for that IP
If we esclate that will create a case in the hive
In the hive we can see the case is created, we can add extra info in here
Go into the observables and add the IP's we found along the way
The give will compare observables between cases and we might spot something else
Security event log cleared coming from playbook
Looks bad someone was clearing out logs
Commands completed surricata
left click network data decoded -> actions -> pcap
Left click the attacker ip -> actions -> hunt
This will bring us to the hunt interface
We might find a webshell.php add it as a file on the observables in the hive
If we have a web shell we want to know where it came from and what it did.
Looking at the network logs/pcaps
Go to pcap interface
select sensor name
source/destination IP
Anything that was exchanged on that day
this will generate a pcap of all the traffic between the attacker and the webshell server
attacker ran "wevtutil cl Security" to clear the security logs
We may also see "wevtutil cl Application"
Deletion of the web server logs "del /f /q c:\xampp3\apache\logs\*"
What if the traffic was over port 443
Playbook uses sigma rules (vendor agnostic rules) to look for attacks
event_data.winlog.event_id 1102 (log cleared)
need windows event log forwarding
Can click on the username -> hunt
click on process create -> include
process.command_line -> group by
group @timestamp
How did the web shell get on there.
Hunt interface query
"webshell.php" | groupby @timestamp event.module event.dataset
We may see
powershell event
Looking at powershell event
Invoke-WebRequest -Url "" -Outfile C:\xampp3\htdocs\webshell.php"
This is like a wget to download the php script
Next step would to be see the user
left click user "bob" and include
remove "webshell.php" because we want to see everything bob did
Open an event with the arrow > click the script block text layers so it shows as a group field
We can look for the attacker IP where the script came from
We can add the hash to the hive
From the hunt page
left click -> hash.md5 -> actions -> pcap
We can get the full pcap of that file so we can look at it and see what it does
In this case the webshell was a standard on available in github
In the hive we can add tasks for teams
web team clean up webshell.php
server team remove attacker account
server team reset bob user password and check devices
server team remove RDP access via the internet install MFA etc.
When we close the case the observables will still be compared in the hive.
Ad hoc hunting
Not all malicious activity will generate alerts
When hunting we need to ask questions, find the answers all the time looking for suspicious activity
Hunt interface has the OQL (onion query language)
Work off last 24-48 hours
The down arrow has lots of predefined queries.
groupby event.module event.dataset
windows_eventlog (windows logs to be forwarded to security onion)
zeek logs
ossec (wazuh agent to be installed)
sysmon (service to be installed)
osquery (agent to be installed)
Left click -> include on zeek
include on ssl traffic
SSL is encrypted
(In options you can disable the automatic update group by)
Expand an event and click the layers to add group-by fields
Remove event.module and event.dataset
Now you can see SSL traffic
Most HTTPS/SSL traffic should be on port 443
You can exclude 443 to see if there is anything running on other ports
You can look into this, is it normal
ssl.validation_status is good to look at
We might see certificate has expired
We could find self signed certificates
Looking at the count and ssl.server name
you can see what servers are being visited alot
You will see a lot of Microsoft and CDN
You could exclude
Often we see shell scripts run from free public hosting sites like
github, pastebin, dropbox, googledrive, onedrive etc
Hunt for ssl.server_name: *
Left click source IP and click -> group by
Once you find a strange event left click -> actions -> correlate
This will show all related events
Check the conn log
Correlate again on the network.communit_id
You may find a process
On the process GUID you can left click -> only on the GUID
Arrange your timestamps on earliest.
We can see the process does a DNS query for
We can do a query on virus total for that
From there it looks like a crypto miner
We can see other related URLs / exes etc
You can make a timeline with 3 lines:
Fill in all the information you have
We see that malwareS.64.exe started and launched nslookup.exe with process injection. The attacker used the legitimate nslookup process to launch their own process hidden inside.
We can see it connecting to
We can use the parent process value to traceback where it came from
Tracing it back you can see the user downloaded a bad .exe file and ran that.
That .exe file launched the malware.
Looking at the command line of the processes we can see the malware adding itsself as a service so it starts up with the PC
cmd /c reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "malwareS64" /t REG_SZ /F /D "C:\users\bob\AppDataLocal\Temp\malwareS64.exe"
We see the parent process was explorer.exe and the hash for this checks out so this confirms the user launched it from windows as normal.
Normally we will see a dropper process which goes out to get the malware, then it will install persistence and finally check in with CnC servers. In this case it was a crypto miner which would just use computer resources and probably not do anything bad like ransomware.
Now we have to follow on tasks to clean up and remediate and follow on hunts.
Can we build automatic detections
We have IP's / file hash's that we can check the rest of our org
Keep in mind hash's and IP's are easy to change
nslookup is generally used by IT staff, not by normal users, we could alert when normal users are trying nslookup
Spotting crypto miners
We might see --algo for example
Network outliers TCP/4444
ComandLine stacking. Looking for process injection.
Startup tasks - many things add startup files. You might not want to alert on it but you may want to hunt on it.
Should the user bob have rights to download and install.exe files
The takeaway is when we find a suspicious event we need to think about what happened before and what happened after and try to build a timeline and figure out what happened.
Detection Engineering
Detection engineering starts when we realise we have a gap in our detection. This could be when we are starting out with nothing or when we have an incident where a user downloaded malware and we found out later.
Detection gap -> identify and config data source -> Write + Test detection -> Deploy to production and tuning
Lets say we want to know about google workspace
We can see google workspace provides an audit log
Setup a service account in google workspace
Config security onion
Config elastic filebeat (has modules for lots of datasources)
Download the .json file from google
Remove the other scopes from the service account
We only need read only reports.audit scope
In security onion manger on CLI
Copy that .json file to the manger
*note* do some research on salt, pillar and minion
vi /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/minions/so-manager_standalone.sls
appened to the end the config for the filebeat moduile
we specify the path to the .json file
the account
the interval
These are yaml files so the spaces are spaces not tabs
Restart the service
Check the logs
tail -f /opt/so-log/filebeat/filebeat.log
*note* In GUI -> cheat sheet the important files and logs are listed there.
Query elasticsearch for google workspace
so-elasticsearch-query _cat/indices | grep google_workspace
We should see some indices with some logs
*Note* you may see a "!" on grid because you restarted filebeat recently it will go away on its own
Go into hunt interface and look for logs from google_workspace
We can see event.action is the data we are looking for. Now we've got the data into security onion we need to create a dection.
In google workspace lets add a user to an admin group. That will generate an event and we want to make a detection off that.
Go to playbook
Change plays from draft to active to turn them on
Plays are made from sigma rules
Sigma rules are written in yaml
Sigma rule are vendor independent
title: google work space - user granted admin ruile
status: experimental
description: detects when an admin role is added to a user
author: SOS
product: google_workspace
service: admin
event.dataset: google_workspace.admin
event.action: ASSIGN_ROLE|contains: admin
condition: all of them
falseposittives: legit user-add
Drop that ino playbook. that will convert the sigma into the SO elasticsearch query. You can copy and paste that into the hunt CLI to see if its work. Once you are happy with it you can make the play.
Edit and change the status from draft to active
Now when we add an user to an admin role it should create an alert
By default elastic alert is running every 3 minutes so you might have to wait a little while to get data from your new active play generating alerts in the SO interface.
Setting up Sysmon
Setup the manager
ssh to the manager
sudo so-allow
b for logstash beat
enter ip address or range where the clients will come from
Install sysmon on the client(s)
Sysmon records important events to the windows event log
Download and install sysmon on the windows client. It installs a service.
Sysmon can be very chatty you can config this
There is a swift on security config file which you can use as a good starting point
sysmon -i sysmon-config.xml
Install winlogbeat
Winlogbeat sends the windows event logs (which contain the sysmon logs) to security onion
In your manager go to the downloads section on the left.
Like sysmon it needs some config too.
Output will go to the manager IP on 50
Install and check the box to the winlog config directory
You will want a config .yaml file
Open up services
Look for elastic winlogbeat oss service and restart it
Now you can open mspaint.exe
Look in events logs in eventvwr
windows logs -> application -> microsoft -> windows -> sysmon -> operational
You should see the log for mspaint being launched.
If the /nsm fills up to 90% the pcap's will be stopped. Security onion gives 200 gig as minimum but looks like in reality you need a lot more.
location of file to config HOME_NET opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/global.sls
HOME_NET is hnmanager
soversion: 2.3.90
hnmanager: ','
EXTERNAL_NET can be added like so
Sensor files are in here: