show tcp brief all
show control-plane host open-ports
Have an issues but not sure of the cause, sometimes the GRE tunnel does not re-establish over a S2S VPN.
Save backup config and check routes
Ensure your S2S VPN config is correct, usually you will see VPN p1 up but GRE tunnel showing as up/down.
shut down both tunnel interfaces on either end
save the router config
reboot the remote router config
bring up tunnel interface in HQ router
Now bring it up on the remote router
Ensure all routes are in place
remote > HQ (tunnelxx)
HQ > remote (tunnelxx)
Create a blank policy called onboarding with nothing attached
This is if you are moving FTD's between FMC there is some unique things like NAT and interface zones so best to
Make sure to backup your policy
ASA side IP / routing conifg
delete the manager
wipe FTD
add to new manager (onboarding policy)
Once added switch to your new real policy
The eol doc will recommend a replacement path. If not your will need to figure it out.
check software and hardware
check for fibre connections
check cdp
check routing (2 eigrp neighbors we may need advantage license)
sh ver (check port numbers)
sh inv | i stack (check stack cables)
sh switch
ip sla 1
tcp-connect 23 control disable (use telnet port)
ip schedule 1 start-time now life forever
sh ip sla stat
ip sla
tcp-connect 5555 source-ip control enable (standard port)
ip sla responder
ip sla 2
icmp-echo source-ip
freq 5
ip schedule 2 start-time now life forever
can use with the track object to change routes
track 2 ip sla 2
sh track
ip sla 3
udp-echo 5000
freq 5
ip schedule 3 start-time now life forever
ip sla responder udp-echo
ip access-list extended SLA (acl if you want to see the ef packets going up)
permit ip any any dsp ef
permit ip any any
int fa0/0
ip access-group SLA in
int s0/1
ip access-group SLA in
ip sla udp-jitter config
ip sla 4
udp-jitter 6000 g729a control enable
freq 5
ip schedule 4 start-time now life forever
show ip sla stat 1
Switch meraki first to PPPOE as you will lose connection once you switch the modem into bridge mode. You can still access via the local status page
PPPOE settings to config vodafone modemL
username: [serial_number_of_modem]
password: broadband
Then switch vodafone modem to Bridged mode
You may need to untick TR-069 (used for managing CPE devices)
You may need to reboot vodafone modem for it to go into bridge mode
MR -
MS -
MX - or
MG -
Any - or
ISE-PIC requires a zero cost license which needs to be ordered from your usual disti.
Name: isepic
Product:Identity services engine
You need to call meraki support to check and get MTU changed.
WAN MTU is 1500 by default
Auto VPN MTU is 69 bytes less (1431 by default)
If you call meraki to change MTU it should create a blip, they said full reboot not needed
-20 for TCP
-20 for IP
-8 for PPPOE
nmap - oldest and lots of documentation and help out there, script archive
rustscan - new (made in rust) very fast for scanning all ports
massscan - fast for scanning public IP blocks and /16s
1. Open CLI to the FMC
a. expert
sudo su
vim +76 /usr/local/sf/htdocs/ddd/fileUpload.cgi
b. Enter in i on the keyboard to go to interactive mode on vim
c. Update the line by increasing the maxFileSizeMap
From: ANY_CONNECT_IMAGE => 100 * 1024 * 1024,
To: ANY_CONNECT_IMAGE => 200 * 1024 * 1024,
d. Save the file by entering in ESC then :wq
2. Upload the file again now
There are a few options:
API with curl
Create an admin role / profile for an api-user, only give read/api access, no web gui access.
Create an api-user, set password and set profile to admin role > api-profile
Generate API key for that user:
curl -k "https://FIREWALL_IP/api/?type=keygen&user=api-user&password=api-password"
curl -k -o running-config.xml "https://$FIREWALL_IP/api/type=export&category=configuration&key=$API_KEY"
It's also possible to use kiwi cat tools to download the config but it gives it to you in the command/set format. I'm not sure if this can be restored as easy but I will look into it.
Create you device
On passwords tab, fill in
Leave prompts tab blank
Run a test backup on just this device with debug logging enabled
POE (802.3af)
POE+ (802.3at)
POE+UPOE (802.3bt)
High power POE (802.3bt)
We can see new devices not work or go into low power mode if the POE switch they are plugged into is too old/doesn't have new standards / enough juice.
Found on palo alto we can't config seconds 86400 (max value allowed was 65xxx). Have to use 1 day but my P1 still wasn't coming up. Changed to seconds and dropped to 28800 on both sides and VPN came up
3600 - 1 hr
28800 - 8 hr
43200 - 12 hr
86400 - 24 hr
Download / install docker
Docker "WAS" image gets downloaded and install
Identify VMNICs
VMware names them as they boot up so not always in the order you might thing.
Easiest way is plug in the port and watch the VMware interface to see if it shows as up.
Also a good idea to enable CDP on the VMware and the switch on the other side.
We want to run at least 2 high bandwidth (10gig plus) cables from switch to VMwrae.
Config as trunk on switch
VCenter config
Network virtual siwtches
Go to VMhost
Virtual switches
Add networking
Virtual machine port or for standard switch
select vswitch
Give a name DMZ
Fill in vlan number
VLAN modes
vlan - pick 250
vlan trunking - pass the trunk onto the VM (won't use it often)
Private vlan - for Pvlans (won't use often either(
Scammers using non English characters to make phishing URLs look more legit, some are harder to spot than others.
Urls will have a xn-- in them, some plantforms auto block, some will render the real URL and some will show the punycode which can trick users into clicking it.
The usual fix is to put
portal auth > AD
gateway auth > MFA server
However we found with some OTP/fob code users it wasn't working well
Fix was
Upgrade GP to preferred release (6.2.3 a time of writing)
Enable the authentication cookie settings on GP
Portal - Generate cookie for auth override
Choose the same cert you use for the GP
Gateway - Accept cookie for auth override
Choose the same cert you used in portal
Push policy
Watch out for any AD changes may take 15 mins to update on the palo so if you move a user into another group for testing it might not work for 15 minutes
You may see SSL Block but not sure of the reason
Pick out a blocked connection
Search for src and dst IP
Go into table view
Click "x" on a column (remember to recheck it)
Add the columns "SSL Flow error" and "SSL Flow Messages"
interface GigabitEthernet0/5
description *** Connection to BGP ***
nameif BGP
security-level 50
ip address
router bgp 65534
bgp log-neighbor-changes
address-family ipv4 unicast
neighbor remote-as 65533
neighbor transport path-mtu-discovery
neighbor activate
redistribute static metric 4294967295 route-map RM_ROUTES_TO_REDIST
default-information originate
no auto-summary
no synchronization
It wasn't working
Need FW access with no SSL decrypt to these sites:
request high-availability state peer suspend
Self-service steps to obtain 3DES (-K9) license in LRP
1- Log in License Registration Portal ( using your ID.
2- Select “Show: All Licenses for (your name)”.
3- Select the “Get Licenses” menu, then “IPS, Crypto, Other”.
4- Select “Security Products” under “Product Family”.
5- Select the required 3DES/AES license type and hit “Next”.
6- Enter the “show ver” Serial Number of the ASA the license will be registered to and hit “Next”.
7- Follow screen prompts to complete the transaction.
This was a disk space issue
SSH to nessus core server and run df -h look for full drives
/opt needs 50GB
Location of nessus CLI on linux
nessuscli fix --reset
nessuscli fetch --register <ACTIVATION_CODE>
old way
service nessusd stop
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessusd -R
service nessusd start
If there is still an issue, open a case with nessus and get a debug file from the nessus core server
reset plugins
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --reset
Apply new activation code
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fetch --register xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Sender policy framework
Identify who (what servers) can send emails for your domain
Like protecting the envelope
DomainKey Identified Mail standard
Emails are signed with a signature
Let's the other end know the email really came from you and not a spammer/attacker
Like protecting the "letter" or email
Domain based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance
Makes use of SPF and DKIM
DMARC check 3 things
system support trace
You can use the migration tool to do this
After version 10.1 there is also a log forwarding for security services policy optimizer under
Policies > Security
Policy optimizer in the bottom left
You need to have configured logging and your log forwarding profile in advance
Select "None" to find all the rules with no logging policy applied
click the first rule
scroll to the bottom
hold shift and click the last rule to select all
In the bottom left click "Attach log forwarding profile"
Select your profile "LOG-FWD-PROFILE"
Click ok
Info found on:
Get hostname
Get current user
Get serial number
wmic bios get serialnumber
Get manufacturer model name
wmic csproduct get name
Print out date/time
echo %DATE% %TIME%
Get OS name and ver (takes a few seconds to run)
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"
All IP config details
ipconfig /allcompartments /all
Get all NIC details
wmic nicconfig get description,IPAddress,MACaddress
Display the DNS cache
ipconfig /displaydns
Check hosts file
more %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
Netstat (run as admin)
Get listening/established ports and PIDs
netstat -naob
netstat -naob | findstr LIST
Print routing table
netstat -nr
route print
List sessions with other computers
net session
net session \\pcname /list
Print our machines we can see on domain
net view
net view \\
View Netbios over TCP details
nbtstat -S
Show arp table
arp -a
WLAN info
netsh wlan show interfaces
netsh wlan show all
List services
Show whats inside svhosts
tasklist /svc
tasklist.exe /FI "PID eq 8988" /svc
sc query
wmic service list config
Event logs
wevtutil qe security /f:text | more
net users
Startup apps
xcopy find files for a specific date (note date format)
xcopy \\servername\sharename$\*.* /S /L /H /D:mm-dd-yyyy | more
Find files bigger than 30MB
for /R c:\ %i in (*) do @if %~zi gtr 30000000 echo %i %~zi
tcpviewcon -a
debug software restart log-receiver
debug software restart management-server
This can be done from the web gui under Monitor > Packet capture
Setup your filters
Add your stages rx,tx,fw,drop
Switch on filter and packet capture
You can also run tcpdump from the CLI which is the only one that will show mgmt interface traffic like syslog
Also need a FW rule to allow the mgmt IP to download EDLs from: on ssl
Logging on
logging origin-id ip
logging facility local0
logging source-interface Vlan250
logging host x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x = your syslog server
For testing
send log TEST
The roaming client and anyconnect client are both going end of life and will be replaced by the cisco secure client. The new client is becoming a general endpoint client for many cisco products. It will work until April 2025:
Before April 2025, you will need to uninstall the roaming client and install the new cisco secure client with umbrella module and the json file for all roaming computers that you want to protect with umbrella when they are at home.
All are available for download in your umbrella dashboard:
Download the new cisco secure client and .json file.
You can use SCCM or similar to deploy it out to your clients.
openssl s_client -connect
echo "" | openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
echo "" | openssl s_client -connect -showcerts | openssl x509 -noout -text -fingerprint
echo "" | openssl s_client -connect AD01.domain.local:636 -showcerts
echo "" | openssl s_client -connect AD01.domain.local:389 -starttls ldap -showcerts
openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -nocerts -info -in Example1.pfx
openssl.exe s_client -connect -servername -showcerts
Get info
openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -nocert -info
Export key
openssl pkcs12 -in bundle.pfx -out key.enc.key
openssl rsa -in key.enc.key -out key.key
Export private key from PFX
opennssl pkcs12 -in bundle.pfx -nodes -nocerts -out key.enc.key
(tcp.analysis.retransmission or tcp.analysis.fast_retransmission)
Important: This regedit goes on the machine you are remoting into, not the machine you are remoting from.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
UseURCP (Create this new DWORD with value of 0)
You can use this from a command prompt as long as you have admin privileges on the box:
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client" /v UseURCP /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Lookup preferred release for your hardware
Backup configs
Device > Setup > Operations > export
Make note of relevant IP's and URLs
Download the software and sync to HA peer
Device > Software > Check now
You can jump with in a major release like 10.2.10 to 10.2.10-h3
If you need to go up a few versions you need to go
10.2.5 > 10.2.10 > 11.0 > 11.5
Install on secondary
Switch over to secondary which has just been upgraded
They need these details
Device: Palo alto firewall PA-850
Device serial number: 1234567890
Software version: 10.1.5-h1
End user company: Customer Name
Reseller company: MSP Company Name
Contact number: +xxx xxxxxxxx
Identifier (Entity ID) URL:
The 443 is needed
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL):
MFA setting
Burger menu top left > Microsoft Entra ID
Enterprise applcations
Search global protect app "Palo Alto Networks - GlobalProtect"
From the left expand security > conditional access
You will see the policies here
You can see what policoes are being used by expanding Activity on the left
click on Sign in and logs
Make GP connection
Click on entry for more details
In the top right click on Conditional Access